

This research is devoted to study the mechanical properties of fibrous self-compacting concrete (FSCC) as materials as well as studying the punching shear behavior of FSCC slabs. The experimental program includes investigating the effect of steel fiber volumetric ratio (Vf) and absence of limestone powder on some important mechanical properties of FSCC such as compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, splitting tensile strength and modulus of rupture. Additional experimental tests are also conducted to study the effect of Vf, steel reinforcement ratio (ρ) and slab thickness on the punching shear behavior (in terms of load-deflection response and ultimate failure load),and the failure characteristics of the punching shear (in terms of observation of failure, shape of the failure zone, size of the failure zone, failure angles, critical section perimeters and ultimate punching shear stress ) of simply supported reinforced FSCC slabs having dimensions of 1000×1000× 50 or 70 mm under concentrated load at the center of the slab.
