

Presently, generated solid wastes are considered a beneficial good and not merely unwanted materials that to be disposed of solid waste. A new type of industry began to emerge in the developed countries called -Solid Waste Industries -. This industries are worthy to be adapted in Iraq and other Arabic countries is dealing in proper way to generated solid waste.
Mosul city produces as much as (915 Tons) a day. This amount is likely to increase to (1620 Tons) a day in year 2020.
Composition and characteristics of Mosul city is approximately similar to those predominated in other countries . Food solid waste constitutes 68.17%, paper 9.6%, glass, plastic and aluminum cans represents 2.61%, 5.29%, and 2.27% respectively. Other residuals waste such as yards, rubber, wood, do not exceed 1%.
Land filling of this huge amounts of generated solid waste will need large areas for disposal. This study stresses on introducing integrated solid waste management components -4 Rs- i.e., reducing, reusing, recycling, recovery energy and composting. These components -when applied- will save huge financial, economic, healthy, and social benefits. Area needed for land filling will turned very small. Besides, employment of people and improve their livings are considered.
