

The visual image and its orders and patterns required continuous investigations because the city visual image is not fixed. City identity and meaning are still the factors that connect the places to their habitants. A review for the visual image concept in urban and architectural literature is carried out throughout this study which is found in different forms and patterns. On other hand there are a lot of theories about future cities, but there are no studies that link these two concepts together. So the research problem was represented by the decreased knowledge in the visual image quality for the future city. This research was based in achieving its goal on a hypothesis says (The visual image quality for the future cities, achieved through establishment of certain features as: Spatial Enclosure, the pattern of positive urban space, faced design and Small architectures design).
This research defines the visual image as all the visual percept for the region or what has percept from it, that produced of mixing and weaving all the other elements of the physical environment and the total visual scenes, that may be in several images according to the range and the scope of the vision, (panorama, vista, view, appearance, scene, perspective), Remarkable for a particular area, or taken into consideration, while the vision scope refer to All of the points of the physical environment that can be perceived by a stable eye (fixed)at a given moment.
Future city is the sustainable city with a sustainable approach and a viable place to life and work (mixed use). Also Its visual images with a sustainable approach contain elements as green network, green sectors (live), and sustainable roads (green roads), urban rooms or nodes (intimate square and urban spaces): pedestrian pockets, transport nodes, marketing nodes, commercial nodes, edges and green walls and small urban and architectures.
For the purpose of verification of the research hypothesis, survey is carried out for a selected proposed future cities by special questionnaires dispended for a random sample of architects, this questionnaire includes vocabularies about the quality of the visual image. This research concluded that quality of the visual image, should be achieved in future cities through achieving of the following properties: Spatial Enclosure, the positive urban space pattern, faced design, and Small architectures.