

Traditionally, honey is frequently consumed by the local population as a nutrient, as well as for the enhancement of fertility and vitality. This study concerning the effects of honey on sperms motility, abnormality, dead sperm, and in vitro fertilization, after 35 days of honey administration orally. 18 adult male mice were divided into one control and two treated groups containing 6 mice in each group. Treated groups received honey in two different doses i.e 1.2 and 1.8 g/kg body weight, the results showed significant (P<0.05) increase in oocyte maturation, fertilization by in vitro fertilization (IVF) and cleavage of oocyte by IVF between the three groups. Also there is significant increase in sperms motility. Decreased percentage of dead sperms between control and the treated groups and significant decrease in abnormalities of sperms in mice between the three groups.
