

This paper presents a designed and implemented Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based on Arduino and IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee standards. This network consists offour end nodes; each one is connected to an individual type of sensors (lighting, temperature, motion, and distance) to form a safety network for building offices, factories, homes…etc. Also there is a fifth node in this network to collect the information from each node and send it to the base station which is a computer to be process the data and take the appropriate decision according to the program established by the user. Results confirmed that the network performs its functions with high efficiency and gave accurate readings of the surrounding circumstances. Stable reading of temperature and lighting had been achieved in the implemented network. Also, the motion and distance sensors gave good results depending onthe presence ofobjectsclose tothemore peoplemovingnear. In addition, the network is characterized by high flexibility and ease of programing that can be used to give various applications such aswarning of fire by setting a threshold level of temperature to enable an alarm when exceeding such level. It can also be used to preventtheftsbydetectingmovements ofthe humanbody with distance sensor. Inaddition, other uses can be implemented such as controlling heating and lightingdevicesin homes andotherbuildings.
