

Frame Relay (FR) was one of the most popular wide area networks (WANs) services deployed over the past few decades. FR is a high-performance WAN protocol that operates at the data link layer. FR is an example of a packet-switched technology, where the end stations are enabled to dynamically share the network medium and the allocated bandwidth. In a sequel, due to such attributes further to the lower cost and privacy (security), it is deployed widely in various organizations, companies, banks, or institutions as a main backbone technology to connect their local area networks (LANs) over different sites. In this work, the utilisation of FR technology among the LANs of some Iraqi universities is presented. Consequently, bandwidth-on-demand will be provided for the end and intermediate systems of each individual LANs. In addition, ports and expensive communications facilities that are required to interconnect the devices of these LANs are reduced. The configuration of frame relay among routers has been simulated using a Packet tracer, which is one of the professional software that can be utilized to implement networks along with their technologies.
