

Structural lightweight aggregate concrete solves weight and durability problems in buildings and structures. Recent advanced in material technology have accelerated the development of high performance concrete using lightweight aggregate. The main objective of this research is to produce high performance lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with polypropylene and to study the mechanical properties of this type. The effect of various factors such as type of fiber and volume fraction of fibers also has been investigated. The experimental work included the use of pumice as coarse and fine lightweight aggregate, superplasticizer and silica fume to produce high performance lightweight concrete. Several trial mixes were examined to determine the proper proportion of the concrete constituent. Three types of polypropylene with different volume fraction were used. The procedure also includes studying the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and static modulus of elasticity. The test results shows that the addition of all types of polypropylene fiber results in significant improvement in most mechanical properties compared with reference concrete specimens at different ages except compressive strength it was improved at Vf =0.25% and decrease at Vf =0.75%.
