

A mobile application program was used in performing a drug-drug interactions (DDIs) for drugs used in Iraq, depending on the drug-drug interactions chart (DDIsC) originated by Ninava Drug Industry (NDI). Two programs were used for designing this work; the first is Microsoft office access which is used to design the form which included the list of drugs and ten registers under it contain different drugs names (Access of drug was available through browsing therapeutic groups or searching for a brand name). If the drug in combo list interacts with more than ten drugs, the combo contains the same name of drug but with number 2, 3 and so on.
The design which includes in mobile contains android system.
In the second design of the drugs interaction a visual basic program is used. Two lists of drugs were used in this program. When a drug from the first list is selected with another drug from the second list, the symbol offer at text box.
