Document Type : Research Paper


1 Chemical Engineering, Department, University of Technology - Iraq

2 Environmental Research Center, University of Technology - Iraq

3 Petroleum Research and Development Center, Ministry of Oil - Iraq


The Southern Oil Company, which is operated in North Rumaila oilfield in Basrah/ Iraq, is one of the important companies which produced huge amounts of produced oilfield water. The aim of this study is to treat the produced water by hybrid methods: the process of coagulation-flocculation and microfiltration technique (ceramic membrane) to remove the oil content and improve the water quality to meet the allowable limit of reinjection into the reservoir. Poly-aluminum chloride (PAC), and Ferric Chloride (FeCl3.6H2O) coagulants were used separately and in combination with cationic polyelectrolyte (PE). After produced water was treated with different doses of coagulant, it was passed through the Microfiltration technique/ ceramic membrane (0.5µm) to reach the allowable limit for reinjection. It was found that the best value of oil content after passing through ceramic membrane is 0.2 mg/L at FeCl3.6H2O dose (10 mg/L) combined with PE dose (0.6 mg/L), which was less than the allowable limit for re-injection, (5) ppm.


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