Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Computer Engineering Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Nowadays Internet of Things (IoT) is growing to be a serious factor in numerous areas of our daily life style. Internet of Things brings different opportunities of intelligence to important aspects such as health, payments, energy management, industrial sectors, transportation and also many other specialties. It is important to notice that the interaction between these two part the embedded equipment and Cloud based web services is such a common or prevalent scenario of Internet of Things deployment. When it comes to the security point of view, jointly users (consumer) and smart devices need to reassure and establish a secure and confident communication channel and should have a perfect form of digital identity. In many situations, IoT devices needs an already or earlier established infrastructure for their usage and that cannot be managed by the device owner, such as the case in smart homes. Furthermore, the scenario presupposes a security stack that it is appropriate for heterogeneous devices which can be integrated in Internet of Things frameworks or in already presented operating systems. We proposed a Foggy Smart Home Architecture (FSHA). We identify end users by writing an authentication and authorization protocol, and we will reduce the time required for this security operation, so that the proposed method can prevent Non-manipulation, online/offline password guessing attack and user impersonation attack and man-in-the-middle attack. Our method improves performance of smart home and using fog layer can minimize traffic between cloud and gateways.


Main Subjects

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