Document Type : Research Paper


Biotechnology, Applied Science Department, University of Technology - Iraq


In this study, the toxic effect of exposure to inhalation of polyurethane resin fumes by White Male Mice was evaluated over 36 days. The study included the use of the inhalation method in an exposition room filled with the fume chemical to a period of 10, 20 and 40 minutes per day, and were then transferred to the fumigant section of the animal house. The organs of the mice was dissected, and the change of the weight determined. The lungs, liver, kidneys tissues of the exposed mice showed typical structural structures when compared with the control group. The liver cells of the mice group exposed to polyurethane were revealed to expose to some hydrolysis and led to an increase in their size. In terms of lung, tissue was characterized by the presence of interstitial infiltration and bloody congestion. It was observed that water degeneration of the lining cells of the parts of the urinary tracts of the kidney with the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the interstitial tissue. These results suggest that exposure of white mice to polyurethane coating fumes may cause observed harmful effects and cause serious health problems to their liver and lung.


Main Subjects

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