Document Type : Research Paper


1 Production and Metallurgy Engineering department, University of Technology - Iraq

2 Production and Metallurgy, Engineering department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq,

3 Prosthetics and Orthotics Engineering department, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq,


Production Line Balancing (PLB) is the technique of assigning the operations to workstations in such a way that the assignment minimizes the idle time between workstations. PLB aims to equator the workload in each workstation to assure maximum production flow. By adding machine in specific configurations is one treatment which leads to this leveling in workload. This research studies the different efficiencies of the added machine and the effect of these efficiencies on line balancing to select the machine with suitable efficiency. This will be led to reduce the idle time between workstations and increasing production flow. The work time considered as the efficiency criterion for this case study. The study has been implemented on a dumb truck production line and resulted in increasing the line efficiency to 81.7%.


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