Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Materials Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq,

2 Department of Materials Engineering, University of Technology - Iraq

3 Department of Physics, College of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq,


This work reports on the incorporation of Flint and Kaolin rocks powders in the cement mortar in an attempt to improve its mechanical properties and produce an eco-friendly mortar. Flint and Kaolin powders are prepared by dry mechanical milling. The two powders are added separately to the mortars substituting cement partially. The two powders are found to improve the mechanical properties of the mortars. Hardness and compressive strength are found to increase with the increase of powders constituents in the cement mortars. In addition, the two powders affect water absorption and thermal conductivity of the mortar specimens which are desirable for construction applications. Kaolin is found to have a greater effect on the mechanical properties, water absorption, and thermal conductivity of the mortars than Flint. This behavior is discussed and analyzed based on the compositional and structural properties of the rocks powders.


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