Document Type : Research Paper


1 Civil Engineering Dept.., University of Technology-Iraq, Alsina’a Street, P.O Box 10066 Baghdad, Iraq.

2 Civil Engineering Dept., University of Technology-Iraq, Alsina’a Street, P.O Box 10066 Baghdad, Iraq.


The production process of cement is the main binder material in concrete usually accompanied by carbon dioxide emission. Therefore, geopolymer concrete (GPC) an alternative binder material was developed as a replacement for cement. In order to make this promising material more common in constructions and applicable for different design purposes further investigations for GPC mechanical properties were needed. This work aims to predicate the splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and flexural strength for normal and high strength GPC by deriving new equations covering a wide range of compressive strength based on data available from previous work. Equations behavior along the changes in compressive strength from normal to high is adopted in comparisons as illustrated. The results show that the proposed equations, as compared with other equations established by previous works, provide a steady behavior for the various values of compressive strength especially for high strength. The coefficient of variation (COV) used as additional comparison criteria, and shows that the proposed equations provide better estimation of GPC mechanical properties.


  • Geopolymer concrete an alternative binder material.
  • The production of GPC depended on the minerals found in materials such as fly ash.
  • Predication of mechanical properties for normal and high strength GPC.


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