
Materials Engineering Dept., University of Technology-Iraq, Alsina’a street, 10066 Baghdad, Iraq.


The aim of the current work is to study the effect of temperature and humidity factors on the production of water from humid air using clean energy, as we have noticed that both factors have an effective impact on the atmospheric air and on the amount of water that was obtained, which is useful in areas that do not have electric power sources or fresh water, and solar energy is used as the main source of energy in open areas. The motivation is to evaluate the performance of the system in light of different air flow rates and in different locations in Iraq depending on the experimental data obtained and the parameters related to the proposed system. We have noticed that high temperatures lead to the increase in evaporation and then to an increase in the percentage of water in the air, and the humidity factor is better in the range between (25 to 65) %, and when the relative humidity reaches 100%, the water vapor begins to condense to form dew, and the temperature is called the dew point when this occurs. Therefore, the water harvesting device was designed as a solution to reduce moisture considering it a source of drinking water, keeping in mind the main contribution which is to use solar energy, with a low cost, a work efficiency of up to 60%, and most importantly smart controlling.


  • High temperatures lead to the increase in evaporation and then to an increase in the percentage of water in the air
  • The humidity factor is better in the range between (25 to 65) %.
  • The water harvesting device was designed as a solution to reduce moisture considering it a source of drinking water using solar energy, with a low cost, a work efficiency of up to 60%, and most importantly smart controlling.


Main Subjects

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