Document Type : Research Paper


1 Civil Engineering Dept, University of Technology-Iraq, Alsina’a street, 10066 Baghdad, Iraq.

2 Civil Engineering Dept, University of Technology-Iraq, Alsina’a street, 10066 Baghdad, Iraq.


In this paper, the Abaqus 6.14 version program was used to carry out a three-dimensional finite element analysis to predict the rut in the asphalt laboratory model. In a previous study, a cylinder model of asphalt was tested under the influence of traffic loads and temperature. The test was simulated using the finite element method considering the boundary conditions, load steps, and temperature. The cohesive zone model (CZM) approach was used in the Abaqus program to analyze the spread of the rutting in the model to simulate the fracture and improve the sample structure and the materials used. The Abacus program analysis showed satisfactory results when compared with the experimental results. The numerical and experimental displacement results indicate that the program can simulate the rut that occurs in the model. Using a temperature of 55 ° C showed that the effect of the temperature was not noticeable. XFEM-CZM coupled model provides a suitable numerical tool to represent the rutting tests.

Graphical Abstract


  • Abaqus program was used to carry out finite element analysis to predict the rut in the asphalt laboratory model.
  • A laboratory test was simulated considering the boundary conditions, load steps, and temperature.
  • The numerical and experimental displacement results indicate that the program can simulate the rut that occurs in the model.
  • The effect of the temperature was not noticeable.


Main Subjects

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