Document Type : Research Paper


Computer Science Dept., University of Technology-Iraq, Alsina’a street, 10066 Baghdad, Iraq.


Background subtraction is the most prominent technique applied in the domain of detecting moving objects. However, there is a wide range of different background subtraction models. Choosing the best model that addresses a number of challenges is still a vital research area.
Therefore, in this article we present a comparative analysis of three promising algorithms used in this domain, GMM, KNN and ViBe. CDnet 2014 is the benchmark dataset used in this analysis with several quantitative evaluation metrics like precession, recall, f-measures, false positive rate, false negative rate and PWC. In addition, qualitative evaluations are illustrated in snapshots to depict the visual scenes evaluation. ViBe algorithm outperform other algorithms for overall evaluations.


  • Implementing and comparing the results of GMM, KNN, and ViBe background subtraction algorithms.
  • Applying algorithms on dynamic background scenes from a well-known CDnet 2014 benchmark dataset.
  • A wide range of evaluation metrics has been used (Accuracy, Precession, Recall, F1, FPR, FNR, and PWC).
  • ViBe background subtraction algorithm shows the best overall performance.


Main Subjects

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