
Mechanical Eng. Dept., AL-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq


In this paper the buckling behavior of composite specimen manufactured from polyester reinforced with fiberglass, jute fiber and eggshell powder were studied. Several samples with rectangular cross section area of (1.5*19) mm are prepared with length of (400, 500, and600) mm and with addition weight ratio of (5%) of different material for reinforcement, used for tensile and buckling test. Different types of natural and synthetic materials (matrix and random glass fibers (are used first without any addition then with adding (5% SiC or 5% Eggshell powder or 5%𝐴𝐿2𝑂3) to the matrix, and Jute fibers. The critical load for its best results was to the random016 fiberglass without addition but its worst results were with jute addition. The results of other additions (SiC, Egg shell powder, 𝐴𝐿2𝑂3 ) and matrix without addition was in between. The experimental with theoretical results has been calculate and then compared


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