

The optical constants (refractive index (n) , extinction coefficient (k) , real
and imaginary parts of dielectric constant(ε1&ε2)) of polymethyl methacrylate
(PMMA) doped with methylene blue (mb) and methyl red (mr) with
thickness in the range (0.1-0.2) mm were measured in the wavelength range
(200-900) nm. Refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) showed
irregular changes with increasing (mb) dopant concentrations, while (n) and
(k) of PMMA doped with (mr) declared a systematic increase with increasing
dopant concentrations. The data showed that (n) values of PMMA doped with
(mr) are lower than the values of samples doped with (mb) which is
atteributed to the progressive increase of absorbance in the wavelength range
(400-550) nm with increasing (mr) concentration .
