

In this paper we make a new approach of compression used as a tool of steganography instead of make it as obstacle (BCS). The outline of BCS compression used two steps level 1 and level 2, level 1 is a new approach of compress images which depends on the fact that every paint has a limited colors, that make it reduce the physical size of repeating pixels which is called a run like RLE compression method, but the main difference of level 1 that make it more efficient than RLE is using relative address which is classified to base address and offset. The base address for the first run is the location of the pixel value that represent this run the other runs base address for the same pixel is the last pixel in the previous run and that we call it dynamic base address (DBA). Level 2 depends on the steganography properties to reduce the fourth byte for each run in level 1 to bit and insert it as a bit in dummy image instead of a byte.