

Transportation planning process (find the best route) can be considered as a
strategic, important and complex issue in the same time, due to the need of collecting
information and analyzing data to obtain the optimum network (journey of shortest
route), ie.,minimizing time,coast, fuel, noise, and air pollution.
(GIS), the network should be analysis to find the best route based on shortest
distance with minimum time between the origin and destination of journey by using
software’s algorithm. Moreover, the ability of GIS to generate detailed directions along
the route, providing as-you-need-it solutions for common problems.
The algorithm divides the network into nodes (ie, start, and lines intersection) and
the paths between such nodes are represented by lines. In addition, each line has an
associated cost representing the cost (length or time) of each line in order to reach a
node. There are many possible paths between the origin and destination, but the path
calculated depends on which nodes are visited and in which order.
A case study of Al-Ramadi city is choosed for this study, it lies in the west part of
Al-Iraq; it’s the capital of Al Anbar Governorate and is situated at the intersection of
the Euphrates River and Al Warrar River’s Channel, northwest of Al-Habbaniyah
Lake. The city is 110 km west of Baghdad, 46 km west of Al-Fallujah, and 283 km
east of Al-Rutbah. It lies on the major paths to Syrian and Jordanian boarders, so it
occupies a strategic planning concern.
The objectives of this study is to find the shortest time (least cost path) between
zones of Al-Ramadi city, for that the city of Al-Ramadi is divided into (5) Traffic
Analysis Zones (TAZ), the centered of each zone is obtained in order to compute the
shortest time from the center of first zone (origin) to the center of second zone
The result of this study is a matrix,It shows the least time to travel between the 5
(TAZ), these results can be considered very important to implement Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS).
