

Electrode potentials in AL-Zubare harbor water (South -Gas Company),
of 23.88 ohm-cm at 20oC were reported for 26 metals and alloys including
values for electroless nickels that signify a greater passivity than steel. The
large potential difference between steel and electroless nickel predicts severe
galvanic corrosion, which was confirmed by weight loss data for coupled steel
and electroless nickel electrodes immersed in AL-Zubare Harbor water
(South -Gas Company, 23.88 ohm-cm at 20oC) .Changes in the phosphorous
content in the range of 7.10 to 12.45 percent had only a slight effect on the
electrode potential of electroless nickel.
This study indicates the beneficial use of electroless nickel coating is more
passive than other (metals and alloys) and that galvanic corrosion of active
metals such as steel can be severe .
