
The selection of this research ,was based on the following facts:
- The deformation that tookplace in the formal relationships for the residential complexes in
Baghdad due to many factors such as: political, economical, social and other factors. So, the
research tended to select samples from the residential complexes in Baghdad.
- There are many futuristic plans to construct huge number of housing units in the form of
residential complexes, and there are fears from repeating the same mistakes which accompanied the
European experiment after and the industrial revolution and the world wars where there was big
interest in mass production of resdential units without taking care of the importance of quality. The
interest in formal relations for the residential collections was neglected due to the concentration on
concentruction of maximum number of housing units in short period of time to overcome the
shortage in this essential sector.
The analysis of the results of the field studies shows that the current residential complexes are
suffering from great formal disorder in addition to the fact that the formal relations of the buildings
elevations for the residential complexes does not reflect the features of these complexes and its
relations with the neighboring urban scape, for many reasons. It appear that the designer bear the
great responsibility for this weakness and deformations of those relationships by making designs
which neglected the formal relations and interested by the functional factors only, in addition to
bearing the responsibility of leaving great margin to the inhabitant to do any changes that he want
on the elevations of the housing units, it also appears that the inhabitant had played an important
role in the deformation of the formal relations of the residential complexes, throughout the changes
he made, also by using the elevation for other functions which affected negativaty on the housing
buildings and affected on the entire urban scape of Baghdad.