
This research is for general sustainable contemporary Architecture
originated from the Islamic thought and from creates a sustainable urban
environment through studding the concept of sustainability in general and
that for local one in special. Achieving dependency of traditional cities on
the comprehensive ecological approach , as all of our traditional old cities
have the advantage of sustainability, preceding modern theories in achieving
environmental and psychological integration, through meeting general
human requirements with considering convenient between physical and
spiritual sides, the most of our contemporary cities suffering lack in giving
effect to this approach .
The research depart from the comprehensive ecological approach
through attempting to explain town space system over its graduate levels,
this to indicate the differences in space systems and its influence in forming
the contemporary Urban environment structure and the losing of its permit
graduates in the comprehensive and local level, from which some
conclusions and recommendations were obtained in order to include the
sustainable concept in the design and planning processes in Architectural and
Planning work obtained from traditional Islamic Architecture .