
The research aims to declare the relationship between communication and
symbol architectural thoughtly construction in the within context of post modren
architecture for support research objects modernity . Symbol was very important
concept and many of thesis have declared and different about it because symbols
represented carrier components to civilizationary dimension and transportaring for
knowledge flow throughout ages and architecture one of main knowledge fields
which have basic and clear job in represent image any civilization and any identity
for any community and this what have decleared in form in theses of post modren
architecture which depend on the last trace and for decleare the importance of abasic
object research which was specailized by communication of symbol by depend
system ( the type – the convention ) .
The research came in three approach :- first aim decleare the importance of the
concept in different fields and it`s thearitical relations and finally What was about it
from contemporary architectural theses . second : aim to basicrelation ship of concept
with communication concepts to arrive basically of this relation ship third : aim
decleare symbol`s communication by depend concept of the type from throughout
decleare importance of post modren theses in crystallized a new symbolic typeis the
benefit from concept convention help in a conventional character on it for understand
and delling on content of this symbols and this which was doing main research goal
which specializes by study of relation ship between communication of symbolic types
and the benefit from convention to understand it and then final conclusions for the
research .