
This research devoted to studying improvement resistance for the medium
carbon steel to erosion corrosion by coated with electro less nickel plating and
used in this coated acid bath (Hydrogen number Ph = 4.5) at deferent
temperature (70,75,80,85,90°C) to obtained deferent deposition rate of coating.
The experimental work test were done using special device which was designed
and manufactured according to [ASTM (G73)] with certain modifications.
Tests were made on corrosion (3.5wt ℅) sodium chloride Nacl solution as sea
water purged with CO2 gas as the corrosive media and 1wt ℅ silica sand was
added as slurry to that media.
After traditional weight losses technique was achieved, it was found that corrosion
rate decrease with increase value of hardness which increase at increase
temperature of coating solution. This indicate improvement corrosion resistance of
metal. Heat treatment were done to coated specimens at deferent temperature
(300,400,500,700,800°C). It was found that corrosion rate decrease at increase heat treatment temperature. This indicate improvement corrosion resistance but at
higher ratio to that before made heat treatment. Smallest corrosion rate was
obtained at temperature 800C°.