
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Technology / Baghdad


In the present wok, two mathematical models are constructed in order
to define the detailed nature of composite. The first one is based on the
classical Rule of Mixtures, (RoM) which is normally rotted from the ordinary
strength of materials. The second model is based on the theory of elasticity,
which deals with the detailed response of the internal macrostructure of the
composite. A virtual composite was assumed to be formed of a number of
matrices (Epoxy resin & Nickel) containing various inclusions (Carbon fibres
& powder, E-glass fibres & powder, and Kevlar fibres) in sequential
permutations. In general, the elasticity model E, exhibited various degrees of
superiority to the RoM depending on the mechanical parameters in question
and the mechanism by which it influences the internal details of the material.
