

The inhibitive action of benzotrizole (BTA) on the corrosion of copper in
oxygenated 0.1M sulfuric acid solution has been investigated using the rotating
cylinder electrode to provide turbulent conditions. Potentiostatic polarization
measurements were carried out at different temperatures of 283,288,293 and 298K
and various speeds of rotation, 100,200,300 and 400 rpm.
In general, BTA, at concentration of 0.01M, effectively inhibits the corrosion of
copper in oxygenated 0.1M sulfuric acid solution. Moreover, BTA effectively
inhibits the anodic dissolution of copper and the cathodic reactions ,i.e., HER and
oxygen reduction reaction. Therefore, BTA acts as a mixed inhibitor in
oxygenated solutions.
The overall percentage of inhibition efficiency is about 98% . This indicates that
a Cu-BTA film is developed on the copper electrode surface which about 98% of
the corrosion rate . The overall inhibition efficiency is neither affected by the
turbulent flow rate , nor by the temperature increases.
The corrosion rate is temperature dependent only, which indicates that the
corrosion of copper in inhibited oxygenated 0.1M sulfuric acid solutions is under
activation control.
