
Building and Constriction Engineering Department, University of Technology /Baghdad


In this work an approach to robotics engineering called layered evolution and
merging features from the subsumption architecture into evolutionary robotics is
presented, This approach is used to construct a layered controller for a small simulated
robot called street sweeper (SS) that learn crossing a busy street and satisfied its goal of
collecting garbage and not getting crushed by passing cars i.e. behaving very adaptively
and intelligently in its specified environment. The system uses three classifier systems,
which has two levels distributed architecture. Three classifier systems were used to
perform complex behavior. First classifier learns simulated robot to crossing the street
i.e. move one step toward garbage when there is no predator such as cars passing the
street or traffic light color is red . Second classifier learns the simulated robot to stop
when the cars are passing the street or traffic light color is green. The third classifier
system is controller classifier system should learn switching policy i.e. to which
classifier system gives the control when more than one of them is active T. est results,
show that the use of a layered evolution can help to control the complexity of learning. a
subsumption architecture were design in which each layer is a basic behavior or a
control behavior. In addition each single layer have smaller search space therefore the
over all task could be easier.
