
The present study deals with the effect of addition cerium in the corrosion–
fraction wear behavior of with added (0.25%) cerium element. The solution used;
salt solution ( 3%Wt.NaCl ) by weight , acidic solution (3%Vol.HCl ) by volume ,weight loss method ; electrochemical method ( Tafel Extrapolation ) and
microscopic examination are used for study corrosion behavior of alloy . The result
of weight loss method showed different continues weight loss while the (B) alloy
showed weight loss at the first stage of the test then showed weight gain. The result
of electrochemical method ( Tafel Extrapolation ) showed the corrosion potential
and corrosion current of ( A ) alloy in the salt solution was E Corr.=-641.3 mv;I
Corr. = 34.42μA/Cm2 while the corrosion potential and corrosion current for (B)
alloy was E Corr. = -681.6 mv ; I Corr.= 51.50 μA/Cm2. The result of weight loss
method in acid solution showed convergence in the result at first hour of the test
after that (A) alloy showed signification superiority on the ( B ) alloy . The result
of electrochemical method ( Tafel Extrapolation ) showed the corrosion potential
and corrosion current of ( A ) alloy in the acidic solution was E Corr.= -324.7 mv ;
I Corr.=19.13 μA/Cm2 while the corrosion potential and corrosion current for ( B )
alloy was E Corr. = -697.9 mv ; I Corr.=507.35 μA/Cm2. The result of fraction
wear test showed significant superiority of alloy ( A ) on the alloy ( B )