

There are wide variety of mechanisms available for performing the authentication
function. One of them is by using video film to monitor important places. In such systems
the important task is recognizing human faces which need good segmentation and high
feature extraction. In traditional technique the segmentation can be performed by region
growing and shrinking, clustering method, and boundary detection which all take image
pixel by pixel and compare each with neighbors to get the similarity. Chaotic oscillator
depends on synchronization concept between points to determine the active points which
construct similar region determining the object. Then RGB color space is used to determine
skin color pixel. Skin color model aids the process of separating the face from the scene due
to its skin color. After isolating the human face image which contains many features (eye,
eyebrow, nose, etc...) they identify the person. Chaotic oscillator is used to extract the
important features by removing any point that is not synchronized with its neighbors and
gives new image which contains only the main face features and then compare this image
with stored image in Database of authorized person and make decision on if (he/she) is an
authenticated image or not.
