

This research includes complete study of the laboratory examinations for
soil layers and its engineering properties for certain areas of Baghdad city
(Alkadhimya, Alaitaifiya, and Alhurriya). The soil was classified according to
USCS and showed the soil is considered as a non homogenous Because of the
presence of multiple chemical materials in the soil, some chemical examinations
have been done such as sulphate percentage, gypsum content, total soluble salts, in
addition to the amount of acidity and alkality (pH) in the soil. In this research the
direct shear test was used to obtained to value (cohesion and internal friction angle)
for the soil in both natural situation and (24 hour) in water soaked situation. The
laboratory tests results showed that these soils have high bearing capacity was
varied between (1200 --- 3000) kPa while (760 --- 1000) kPa at soaking state and
that the parameters of shear (cohesion and internal friction angle) decrease when
soaked in water but the main decrease was in cohesion value. Soaking of soils
reduced cohesion by approximately (2-2.5) folds, while the angle of internal
friction exhibited marginal reduction
