

In this paper CdO thin films were prepared by using chemical bath deposition
method. Three different thicknesses of CdO films (84.1nm, 165.1nm, 194.23nm) were
used .x-ray diffraction technique has confirmed the formation of cadmium oxide,
where reveals the changes in films structure with thickness increase. Many structural
properties and constants have been studied and calculated by using the formation from
XRD patterns and ASTM chart such as grain size, FWHM, integral breadth, shape
factor, texture coefficient, and number of layers .These structural constants were
plotted as a function of the films thicknesses. The results indicate that the high grain
size (21.557nm) which was calculated for crystalline plane (111) was corresponding to
the high film thickness (194.23nm), while larger number of layer obtained for the film
thickness 165.2nm.
