

Reactive powder concrete (RPC) is a new type of ultra-high strength and high ductility concrete first developed in the 1990's in France. It is recognized as a revolutionary material that provides a combination of ductility, durability, and high strength. In this research work the nonlinear f ini t e element investigation on the behavior of RPC
beams is presented. This investigation is carried out in order to get a better understanding of their behavior throughout the entire loading history. Also, a numerical parametric study was carried out on the RPC beams to investigate the influence of fibrous concrete compressive strength ( ) cf f ¢ , tensile reinforcement ratio ( ) w r , fiber content ( Vf ) and shear span to effective depth ratio (a/d) on the shear behavior and ultimate load capacity of these beams.
The three- dimensional 20-node brick elements are used to model the concrete, while the reinforcing bars are modeled as axial members embedded within the concrete brick elements. The compressive behavior of concrete is simulated by an elastic-plastic work-hardening model followed by a perfectly plastic response, which terminated at the onset of crushing. In tension, a fixed smeared crack model has been
