

This research studies the factors effecting on coating produced by electrical arcspraying. The studied variables are applied voltage, wire feed rate and spraying distance.In this investigation used wires made from martinsitic stainless steel to coat the bearing of spherical graphite cast iron. range. The mechanical properties of coating such as hardness are used.Limited optimal environments by electric arc
spraying to improve wear rate resistance of crank shaft.In the first stage all samples and metallizing wires were prepared and chemically analyzed. The coating operation was carried in the second stage. Each group of samples was coated in different way with variable spraying factor being considered. In the third stage all samples were
tested using pin on ring wear testing machine. The investigation performed in this work showed that the process variable have a considerable effect on coating quality ,and spraying distance range emerges as the most significant process variables. The
final results showed that the best voltage in this application is between 28-30V, wire feed rate is 100 mm/s, and best spraying distance is about 12-15cm to get a good coating with maximum wear resistance.
