

The aim of this study is the effect of salt, acid and base solutions on bending behavior of CDs reinforced epoxy. Epoxy resin matrix is reinforced with weight fraction 15, 30&45 % chopped chips CDs waste. The experimental results indicate that the composites materials have higher flexural stiffness than the matrix material where the young modulus of epoxy is improved from 2.6GPa for matrix to 3.936 GPa
reinforced with 45% CDs that is 60% increasing, due to CDs were more contact which have high flexural stiffness. The test solutions chosen were 10 % NaCl, NaOH & H2SO4. The results indicate that the 45% CDs reinforced epoxy chosen is good chemical resistant to NaCl and NaOH whereas flexural stiffness changes are relatively for each examination time, while the maximum flexural stiffness occurred in H2SO4 solution was approximately -10% for 8 week due to epoxy is less resistant
to sulfuric acid.
