

Objective of this paper is to show the logical development of digital
technologies that explain and show the movement of water in two- and
three-dimensions (2D and 3D) as observed in nature. Flow of water is a
special case of fluid flow in porous media, and is governed by the laws of physics, in particular the laws of fluid mechanics. Fluid mechanics deals with the motion of fluids and with the forces The purpose of this paper is to obtain 3D digital map of flow that enable to interprets the state variables of water(superficial and ground water) in each point of the flow domain and if necessary also in time. The improper disposal of sewage is one of the major factors threatening the health and comfort of individuals in areas where satisfactory municipal, on-site, or individual facilities are not available. This paper not only shows the impact of water flow and its relationship with landuse but also illustrate the areas that out of service of sewerage network in Erbil city (study area). Modeling flow let us see how water or other materials move from a source point (or points) through a network or over a surface with aiding of GIS and remote sensing thus help
in analyzing water sources in Erbil city and understand how these water
sources used . The final 3D digital map contains all necessary information for users and designers to reach to the best decision.
