

The aim of the present work is at describing a simple physico-chemical
treatment for the textile wastewater of a local plant to bring its characteristics to
that used within the plant. Lime and polyelectrolyte were employed individually to
aid the removal of pollutants. The effectiveness of the treatment was indicated by
measuring parameters like biochemical oxygen demand, BOD, turbidity, electrical
conductivity, EC, total suspended solids, TSS, total dissolved solid, TDS, for the
produced water after filtration through simple sand filter. The treatment was
supported by an extensive study of the coagulation/flocculation and filtration
processes. Color dyes adsorb efficiently onto the coagulant particles and separates
from the original liquor. Pollutants removal efficiency (Turbidity, TSS, TDS, and
color), by (87-90%, 81-85%, 30-32% 40-45%) respectively could be obtained by
using lime solution of concentration 35-40 mg/L without addition of cationic
polyelectrolyte. Increasing lime concentration results in some difficulties like high
pH value of water discharged, dewatering problems and sand filter clogging.
