

Eribl city lies in the north part of Iraq within the middle basin of Eribl plain
(1400) km2, while the city of Eribl is only (70) km2. The research deals with the
study of hydrochemical features of ground water. (20) wells were sampled to
identify the quality and origin of the water for municipal use. The results showed
that the water is clear with no impurities, the temp. was (20.31)cº, the water was
slightly basic with PH.(8.07), E.C.(353.65) μ mhos/cm, TDS was (244.45) ppm,
and the total hardness (79.66) ppm. The type of the water was classified as fresh water, according to (Schoeller) classification with domination of the bicarbonate
groups. According to (sulin) classification, the type of water was of (Na2So4) and
of atmospheric origin, the study concluded that the water was suitable for all kind
of human uses