
Computer Center, University of Technology / Baghdad


Several techniques or capabilities are provided by DirectX, each of which
can add effects on the designed graphics by using special functions in the
application or program that written to design that graphics. Some of these
capabilities are that, Lighting, Rotation, Texturing, Fog, Environment Mapping
and Stencil Buffer capabilities.
In this research, implementation of two capabilities are produced, the first
implementation is of the Texturing capability and show several states of texturing
by using variables values of tu and tv texture coordinates.
The second implementation is of the Environment Mapping capability which
shows how a shiny teapot is rotated and only one face of the skybox is reflected by
DirectX can be written in many programming languages, such as C, C++,
Visual C++, and Visual Basic.
When using the DirectX capabilities in many applications, not all cards
support all that capabilities at the implementation time, some of these like
Lighting, Rotation and Texturing capabilities can be implemented with 64-Mega
Byte VGA cards, but others like Fog, Environment Mapping and Stencil Buffer
capabilities are implemented with 128-Mega Byte and over.
