

A simplified lumped model that makes direct correlation between Rosen's
piezoelectric transformer (PT) dimensions and material properties via equivalent
circuit parameters was studied. The model calculation of the resonance
characteristics and voltage gain was associated with changes in operating
temperatures from 50°C to 70°C. It is found that for different load resistors, the
resonance frequencies are shifted by less than 1.6% their normal values upon
raising the operation temperature to 70°C, whereas the sensitivity of voltage gain
is better at higher load resistors.
Each of the elastic compliances SE
11, SE
33 and SD
33 of the PT material due to their
temperature dependency cause the resonance frequency to shift below and above
the normal value by less than 1% for very slight change in voltage gain in each
case. The overall balance between mechanical parameters may play role in the
optimum stability of the voltage gain.
