
physically; as well as presenting the relation between physical complexity and
social complexity whether the complexity is declared or hidden.
The relation of complexity and fragmental city becomes clear generally through
dealing in the city meaning and especially in the fragmental city. Fragment
terminology has been shown in lingual manner and architecturally in addition to
the concentration of fragment distance andshowing the previous universal and
local definitions of fragmental city that leads the searcher to the exit point by
defining specifically in chapter one of this search the fragmental city
particularly and stands on the fragmental mechanisms, styles, generation methods,
important properties, and fragmental linear and nonlinear concepts. The search
browses the previous studies that deal with fragmental city concept so that the
problem of search (Absence of obvious and scientific concept about complexity
role in fragmental city as one of fundamental properties configuring the structure
of fragmental cities) has been determined where summary and conclusions are
as a theoretical and conceptual frame concentrating on the complexity which is
one of the important fundamentals of fragmental cities. The complexity has been
browsed through its role in the fragmental city as a main structure of search where
a browsing for its meaning in lingual manner and architecturally, its important
properties, its role in architectonic generally and urban environment particularly in
order to get the complexity's indications. The indications of complexity will be
adopted in the practical part of search and measured to see the role of complexity
in the fragmental city and to determine the particular problem of search (absence
of obvious concept of the relation of complexity with ingredients for fragmental
city according to its favorite grade and level.then selection and analysis of region
that represents the practical part of search where the particular indications of
complexity for fragmental city have been measured depending on the observation
study on Al-Adamiya city by searcher. This leads to the recommendations and
conclusions that refer to the presence a quantity of complexity presented at a
favorite level in the old structures more than in the modern structures in other
words that refers to the presence of complexity role in the fragmental city.