

Bubble column reactors are widely used in chemical process industries for
carrying out gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid reactions such as absorption, biochemical
process and coal liquefaction. To design such a column, four main parameters should
by taken in consideration, the gas hold-up ( g e ), liquid phase mass transfer coefficient
(KLa), mixing time (tm) and circulation time (tc). The study includes the effect of gas
velocity and liquid phase properties [Newtonian and non-Newtonian] on g e , KLa, tm
and tc in bubble column with draught tube when the ratio of the draught tube diameter
to column diameter equal to 0.5 and the gas dispersed into the base of the draught tube
by using [amultihole, 0.15mm equivalent diameter and 0.61% free sectional area]
Water and aqueous solutions of glycerol and CMC [Carboxymethyl Cellulose],
were used as the liquid phase [Newtonian and non-Newtonian]. From experimental
observations g e , and KLa increased with increasing gas velocity and coalescence
inhibition of liquid, while tm and tc decrease with increasing gas velocity.
It was found that increasing liquid viscosity and coalescence reduces g e and KLa
but increases tm and tc.