

Tigris River one of the rivers that suffer from the effect of conservative pollutants. This study include the distribution of pollutants ( which are BOD5, TDS, pH, T.H., SO4 -2, Na+, and turbidity ) in Tigris river between Al-A'imma bridge and Al-Jumhuria bridge ,a reach which is about (9 km) length within Baghdad city; which include four sewage pumping stations untreated discharged to the river.
It was conclude that the concentrations of pollutants were increase at the discharge points in the river and exceeding the acceptable limits according to the Iraqi standards specification of surface water , then BOD5 and T.H. became within the acceptable values after (7.8 km ) in the study region , and pH, TDS and Na+ were within the acceptable ranges in all stations in the region, while SO4 -2 was exceed the allowable value (250 ppm) in all of the study region, and for turbidity it was reach to (4.5 NTU) on (8 km) in the study region. At the time of low discharges of Tigris river, sewage pumping stations should set at low discharge rate to decrease the pollutant's concentrations in Tigris river .
