

This research aims to study the effect of localized laser surface treatment on
mechanical behavior of low carbon steel. Laser Cw Nd : YAG was used in the
treatment hardening of the specimens for different laser energy (2.7,3.3,4.37100J ),
with time interval for the beam (10-2 sec) and the laser intensity(4500,5500,7100
Watt/mm2) . Different mechanical tests were achieved Static and Dynamic on the
specimens which were surface treated .Static tests included ( Tensile test,
Microhardness test) ,While the dynamic test included (Impact test ).
The results show that the mechanical properties for low carbon steel H[.hx
strength by(0.9,10,25.5%) , ultimate tensile strength by(6.4,16.24,24.59%),while the
increment fracture stress by (12,17.28,34.87%),also increment in microhardness by
(3.4, 5 , 23% )and toughness by (4.3,10.86,20.8 %). Some of mechanical properties
for low carbon steel reduce with increasing in laser energy which show in Young
modulus (26.06,40.89,50.8%), Rigidity modulus by (25,40.5,48.99 %) , Poisson s,
ratio (1.29,2.34,3.69%) .