

This study deals, with the problem of the widening expanse of time to download
is not limited to a certain mechanical property of clear-cut, but intertwined and
branched out and became one of its aspects scientific insomnia ... Because the total
value of creep does not give us a firm base to judge the causes, but under certain
circumstances can be separated total distortions for sample into two recoverable
deformation and irrecoverable deformation. Therefore, the sum that in order to
facilitate the perception of mechanical we need to know the creep resilience
modulus and may even add images to unforeseen come to know through the flexural
strain energy , which helps to understand this mechanism in order to avoid the
dangers arising from the phenomenon of creep.
Generally has this study measured the ability of novolak material side by side with
the composites prepared reinforcing the novolak material, by glass fiber once and
asbestos fibers once and hybrid fibers (30% fiber glass +30% fiber asbestos) again on
the absorption of elastic energy which disappear after the removal three – point
flexural stress and is know by creep resilience modulus, note that the ratio weighted
mount reinforced (60%) and that the samples of various kinds attended with two
different ratio from the material hardened (Hexamethylene - teraamine) (HMTA), a
percentage (10%) weight once and (14%) and weight again .
* The practical results showed that a small fraction absorbed elastic mechanical
energy after the first period of time from loading to be non-refundable after the
demise of the forces of bending acting on them, and this shows the extent of
accumulation of elastic strain energy stored in novolak material over time and raise
the value of creep resilience modulus and the consequent decrease of the potential to
restore the original situation after removing the stress and thus discouraged the return
of this energy absorbed .
As a reference this study also to the high elastic strain energy and creep resilience
modulus For an article novolak when compared composites as a result of the lack of
fiber foregoing in. This is a clear proof on the efficiency of reinforcement mechanism
to be strengthened to raise the efficiency of novolak to return the energy bending
absorbed, and study also showed that the increase the proportion of material hardened
(HMTA) to (14%) lead to the devaluation of resilience modulus which confirms the
sharply decreasing the accumulation of elastic strain energy to novolak material and composites, and indicative of, the positive impact of increasing the proportion of
material hardened can cancel at least in part the negative impact of this
accumulation of elastic strain energy stored in this article prepared to restore