

This research aimed to the Evaluation of The Training Workshop For The
Organic Fertilizer Users in AL-Rashdia District – Baghdad Governorate in all
it is field . The process of evaluation of The Training Workshoptook stages,
these stages are: First stage: determine the element of Training Workshop
Literatures Folders Extension in field,containing of Five fieldsas
follow{Trainer, Curriculum,Method &Ways,Environment(Context),Trained},
Fiftyfour items. Second stage: determining the groups of criteria to evaluate of
The element of The Training Workshop. Third stage: Surveying of Training
Workshop as through:1.Training Workshop Literatures Folders Extension in
field, containing of Five fields as follow{Trainer,
Curriculum,Method&Ways,Environment(Context),Trained } Fiftyfour items.
2. A preliminary Scale was showed to a group of (6 experts and specialized
persons) in agricultural extension field, to express their opinions about fields
and items of the The Element of The Training Workshop scale and its
fitness.3.Used the tri the element of Training Workshop scale consists of
:Totally Mentioned,Patially Mentioned ,Non Mentioned and put degrees of the
tri scale The Element of The Training Workshop according to : Totally
Mentioned three degrees, Patially Mentioned two degrees and Non Mentioned
one degree. The research population is ( 30 Trained) . A questionnaire used to
collect datas from the Trained.The statistical tools used are the percentages, ,
means,Alpha cronbach coefficient.
This researchended to were very active and influent, the Level of The
Element of The Training Workshop stands in the Patially Mentioned.The
research recommendations that aiming to support The Element of The Training
Workshop fields,that reflected a positive improving productivity and
production of farming system.