

This research studies the effect of adding industrial wastes materials with
different percentages on the thermal and mechanical properties of clay
bricks . Different types of admixtures were used in this work, including
rubber cuttings, wood saw dust and barley reeds ash with ( 5%,10% 15%
,20% ) by weight of each one respectively. Thermal conductivity, specific heat
capacity, compressive strength, flexural tensile strength, porosity and variation
of density have been examined for each samples at all percent of addition
and comparing with the reference clay bricks samples . Test results show that
the admixtures effect on the properties of clay bricks, when used barley reeds
ash which the best additives because take good properties, the density of clay
bricks is reduced 33%,thermal conductivity reduced 46% and the compressive
strength increased 20% comparing with the standard bricks. The experimental
work carried in the industrial factory of clay bricks in the Nahrawon city in
