

A study was carried out to investigate the effects of recharging primary treated domestic wastewater on soil characteristics by special recharge-recovery method developed and practiced in the laboratory working model. Recently, the amounts of wastewater are sharply increasing and the kinds of pollutants are also varied as the world wide industry is being developed incessantly. The subbase soil is brought from Jerashi quarry, northeast of Ramadi and placed in model which is made from plexus glass with dimensions (1.1 m * 1.1 m * 0.6 m). Wastewater characteristics, main soil and soil samples after recharging of wastewater 330L, 420L, 510L, and 600L, for one time every seven days and comparing the means for soil chemical characteristics before and after experiment. Soil reaction (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter (OM), chloride ions (CL), sulphate content (SO3), gypsum content (GC), total dissolved salt, (TSS), and total dissolved solids (TDS). The soil-aquifer system (SAT) can be used efficiently as a wastewater treatment plant. After recharging wastewater, there were slightly increase of pH and OM in comparison with EC, CL, SO3, GC, TSS, and TDS which might cause problems in the long term if the land was used for construction purposes.
