

Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamp is new lighting technology used over the world, its high efficiency, low power consumption, dimming capability, long lifetime, environmental friendly and much more advantages make it preferred source in new outdoor and indoor lighting systems. The method of time-control is used to manage the power consumption of an LED using Very high speed integrated circuit High level Description Language (VHDL) program and implement the design using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) /Spartan 3A starter kit. Two dimming scenarios are implemented to reduce the power consumption of LED, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique is used as dimming method and based on real time clock designed using (VHDL) program and was implemented on the same FPGA kit. 70% annual energy saving was achieved using first dimming scenario and 71.4% with second scenario compared to High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamp and about 20.1% power saving using first scenario and 23.7% with second scenario compared to normal LED operation.